meeting ourselves and the world
with a fearless heart
a day-long meditation retreat
awakened love:
Saturday | October 7, 2023
@ Plymouth Meeting Friends
All journeys proceed through the heart.
Whether you consider yourself to be on a journey of healing and personal growth or endeavoring for spiritual awakening and enlightenment, all such journeys proceed through the heart.
The heart we speak of, however, is not the physical heart, but something rather more essential.
Loving awareness. Enlightened essence. Buddha-nature. Christ consciousness. This aspect of ourselves has been given numberless names across all manner of religious and spiritual traditions. No matter its name, the description and experience is the same: an abiding quality or essential nature within each of us that is loving, wise, healing, and connective. That wishes well for self and others.
Incredibly -- wonderfully! -- paradigms with western psychology (operating quite outside any spiritual or religious frameworks, and without intending) have stumbled across this same aspect, and have found it a powerful support in working with anxiety, stress, internal and relational conflict and trauma.
During this day-long retreat we will proceed through a series of talks and guided meditation practices intended to help you recognize, awaken, abide in and explore this most essential aspect of being -- so that you may meet yourself and the world with a fearless heart.
Brandon Everett is a Mindfulness and Meditation Teacher based out of the Manayunk section of Philadelphia. He is a graduate of ClearLight Meditation Institute's 2-year, 900-hour Meditation Teacher Training. His current dharmic influences include the Atiyoga translations of Christopher Wilkinson and the Embodied Lovingkindness meditation as taught by John Makransky. He is a practicing Registered Nurse. Brandon’s life is endlessly enriched by the support and love of his wife, Jen, and son, Oliver.